Discover Little Known Strategies Used by Only 3% of Investors
Are you thinking about self directing your retirement account and joining an exclusive group of investors that are taking control of their financial future?
Self directed IRA’s are a strategy utilized by an exclusive, in-the-know, group of investors. 97% of all IRA’s are invested in stocks and bonds through traditional outlets who rely on commissions for their survival. This is true even though self directed IRA’s have been around since 1974. Although this group is exclusive and on the cutting edge, the secret is slowly being let out of the bag.
Why do some of the wealthiest families rely on self directed IRA’s?

Tax Benefits
Retirement and other tax advantaged accounts offer the easiest way to achieve huge tax benefits. The tax benefits range from tax deductions today to tax protection on income and profits to tax free income in the future. Best of all, by having the opportunity to choose from a variety of accounts you can select the tax benefits you want the most.

Increased Savings
Retirement accounts were created by the federal government and afford an easy way to save, invest and grow your wealth to achieve specific goals.
Why haven’t I heard about this?
Well, it’s a conspiracy. Okay, not exactly. The truth is that most traditional financial institutions charge commissions and fees on investments. When it comes to self directed IRA’s, you are the one making the investment decisions and there is no good way to charge you a commission. This is simply not part of their business model and they don’t offer true self direction as an option.
Horizon Trust Company is an industry leader when it comes to self directed IRA’s and tax advantaged accounts
Horizon Trust Company is an independent, passive custodian and is not associated or affiliated with and does not recommend, promote or advise any specific investment, investment opportunity, investment sponsor, investment company or investment promoter or any agents, employees, representatives or other of such firms or entities. Investments are not FDIC Insured, offer no bank guarantee and may lose value.
America’s #1 most trusted self-directed custodian


